Religion & Philosophy        
Chinese philosophical and religious traditions and concepts
Taoism (Daoism) refers to a variety of related Chinese philosophical and religious traditions and concepts. These traditions influenced East Asia for over 2000 years and some have spread internationally.

Taoist thought focuses on Wuwei (non-action), spontaneity, humanism and emptiness found in Tao Te Ching (《道德经》, Dàodéjīng) and Zhuangzi (《庄子》, Zhuāngzǐ). The goal of Wuwei reveals the soft and invisible power within all things. It is believed by Taoists that masters of Wuwei can control the invisible potential. Taoism teaches that the link between people and nature lessens the need for rules and order, and leads one to a better understanding of the world.

The central figure in Taoism is Laozi (老子, Lǎozǐ), a philosopher of ancient China. Laozi is considered as a god in religious forms of Taoism. The Taijitu (太极图, Tàijítú, Yin and Yang) symbol as well as the Bagua (八卦, Bāguà, Eight Trigrams) are associated with Taoist symbolism. The Yin and Yang make a backwards "S" shape.

Chinese cuisine, several Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional medicine, fengshui and many styles of qigong breath training disciplines are closely associated with Taoism throughout history.
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