Religious Architecture
Chinese architecture with religious characteristics
Religious buildings in China have a long history, including Buddhist, Taoist, Christian and Islamic Buildings. Buddhist and Taoist architectural styles can be found throughout the country.

Buddhist architectures include pagodas, temples and rock carvings. They follow the imperial style of Chinese architecture. A large Buddhist monastery normally has a front hall and a great hall, housing the statues of a Bodhisattva and the Buddhas. Accommodations for the monks and the nuns are at the two sides. Buddhist pagodas house the relics of the Sakyamuni (Gautama) Buddha; older pagodas tend to be four-sided, while later pagodas usually have eight-sides. Taoist architecture usually follows the commoners' style of Chinese architecture. The main entrance is usually at the side to avoid the demons from trying to enter the premise. In contrast to the Buddhists, in a Taoist temple the main god is located at the main hall at the front, the lesser gods at the back hall and at the sides.

The Islamic houses of worship in western China incorporate minarets and domes while the eastern ones adopted the Chinese style and look like pagodas. Christian architecture also added some Chinese flavor.
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