Chaoxian People
Korean People, one of 55 Chinese ethnic minorities
The Chaoxian (Korean) ethnic group is scattered mainly in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces. The ancestors of the Chaoxian people were immigrants from the Korean Peninsula. The Chaoxian has been living in the Northeast region of China since as early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Members of this minority living in the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Perfecture in Jilin Province speak and write in Korean while those living in other parts of China usually speak Chinese.

Houses are built of wood with tile or thatched roofs. They are heated by pipes running under a raised platform in the main rooms, which serves as a bed and a place to sit on. Shoes are removed before entering the house. The Chaoxian have three important days, a baby's one-year birthday, a senior's 60th birthday (Huijia Jie) and a couple's 60th wedding anniversary. They celebrate the days by giving gifts and enjoying the host's delicious dishes. Rice is the Chaoxian people's staple foods and spiced pickled vegetables and cold noodles are their favorite.
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