Four Great Beauties
four most beautiful women in ancient China
The Four Great Beauties refers to the four most beautiful women in ancient China. According to legend, they gained reputation from their influence over kings and emperors and the impact on Chinese history.

Xi Shi (西施, Xī Shī, 7th-6th Century BC, Spring and Autumn Period) was gifted by King Goujian of Yue to King Fuchai of Wu after a war defeat. Bewitched by her beauty, Fuchai forgot all about his state affairs and killed his best advisor. In 473 BC Goujian launched his strike and defeated Wu army.

Wang Zhaojun (王昭君, Wáng Zhāojūn, 52BC-19BC, Western Han Dynasty) volunteered to be married off to the powerful neighbor in order to secure a temporary peace. Her life became the story of Zhaojun Married to Xiongnu.

Diao Chan (貂蝉, Diāo Chán, 3rd century, Three Kingdoms period) assisted in a plot to persuade the warrior Lü Bu to kill his adopted father, the warlord Dong Zhuo in the classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Yang Guifei (杨贵妃, Yáng Guìfēi, 杨玉环, Yáng Yùhuán, 719–56, Tang Dynasty) was the beloved consort of the Xuanzong Emperor for many years, but was ultimately executed because of the Rebellion of Anshi.
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