Our Generation
Chinese influential elites of literature and art
Our Generation features on the elites of literature and art who were born in the 1950s and 1960s in China. They became influential professionals and icons in their field: poets like Bei Dao, Mang Ke, Gu Cheng; writers like Han Shaogong, Jiaping’ao, Shi Tiesheng, Yu Hua, Wang Shuo, Sutong; film directors like Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige; actors and actresses like Jiang Wen, Gongli, Chen Chong. Their loss and gain, desire and struggle represent the whole generation that witnesses the special period of Chinese history. The images tell the stories of their daily life as common people. Different faces share similar time spirit and show the charm of their unique personality.

The black and white photos by Xiao Quan, together with the description words, were published in the book Our Generation, revealing the living of the whole generation, their happiness and sorrow, their wonder and insistence.
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Our Generation
Humanism in China
Photography Exhibition of Chinese Folk Games
Address: No. 51 Tianhe Straight Street, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
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